Trening v Armeniji, Green shift, 22. 6. 2024 – 30. 6. 2024
Mladinska organizacija International Alliance for Integration and Sustainability iz Malte in mladinska organizacija Creative youth Intrnational sta od 22. 6. 2024 do 30. 6. 2024 organizirali trening za mladinske delavce v Yerevanu v Armeniji z naslovom Green Shift. Projekt je bil bil prijavljen na program Erasmus + mladina na tretji prijavni rok v oktobru 2023. Partnerske organizacije v projektu smo bili iz: Malte, Armenije, Romunije, Grčije, Gruzije, Madžarske, Estonije, Egipta in Slovenije – Zavod Novo mesto. S strani Zavoda Novo mesto smo se udeležili treninga udeležili Marko in Mitja, kot predstavnika Zavoda Novo mesto in Andrej, kot prostovoljec Mladinskega centra Oton. Iz vsake organizacije smo prišli trije udeleženci, skupaj nas je 27 udeležencev. Prvi dan je bil namenjen spoznavanju udeležencev in spoznavanju pojma trajnosti. V naslednjih dneh smo trajnost razdelili na tri stebre: družba, okolje in ekonomija. Potem pa smo raziskovali in iskali rešitve in vplive družine, službe, izobraževanja in družbe na tri stebre trajnosti. Ena izmed delavnic je bila tudi delitev na skupine in argumentiranje z argumenti za in proti. Poleg treninga pa je bil čas in prostor za oglede mesta, oglede dobrih praks in tudi spoznavanje drugih kultur.
Training in Armenia, Green shift, 22/06/2024 – 30/06/2024
The youth organization International Alliance for Integration and Sustainability from Malta and the youth organization Creative Youth International organized a training for youth workers in Yerevan, Armenia, entitled Green Shift, from 22/06/2024 to 30/06/2024. The project was applied to the Erasmus + youth program on the third application deadline in October 2023. The partner organizations in the project were from: Malta, Armenia, Romania, Greece, Georgia, Hungary, Estonia, Egypt and Slovenia - Zavod Novo mesto. On behalf of the Zavod Novo mesto. Marko and Mitja participated in the training, as representatives of the Zavod Novo mesto, and Andrej, as a volunteer of Youth Centre Oton. Three participants came from each organization, for a total of 27 participants. The first day was dedicated to getting to know the participants and getting to know the concept of sustainability. In the following days, we divided sustainability into three pillars: society, environment and economy. Then we researched and looked for solutions and the influences of family, work, education and society on the three pillars of sustainability. One of the workshops was also dividing into groups for a debate and arguing with arguments for and against. In addition to the training, there was time and space for city tours, tours of good practices and getting to know other cultures.
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